Friday, April 12, 2013

Moving On

 image source unknown

This is what I do on a rainy evening just a moment before midnight. I add new books to my cart on Amazon. I listen to this perfect little life soundtrack. I write a long overdue post for my poor, forgotten blog.

I've had several sweet inquires about when I was going to blog again. So kind that other people remembered this place even when I forgot. When I first started blogging, I loved coming here to post pretty things, happy things. The task of coming up with content for new posts was so enjoyable, it sent me down trails with lovely images and encouraged me to try new recipes so I could share them here. It was before I was on Pinterest (the dark ages!), and Instagram (dinosaurs roamed the earth!). Blogging here was fun, it gave me a place I needed. But now, it seems I've moved on. And I'm ok with that.

The days are very busy now. I'm working here and there on the new house, making it home. Indie Craft Parade is becoming more and more consuming and fulfilling. I travel with Cory a lot and we watch ridiculous British TV. I plan lots of parties, baby showers, conferences. I cook with friends and we just enjoy being together. Life is good.

I might come back here someday, I might not. For now, it'll be quiet. If you'd like, you can follow me around on the interwebs, I'm always @eringodbey.

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Thanks for being here.