Tuesday, October 12, 2010

DIY Paper Wreath

Check it out! The wreath project I've mention is finally done. I made this wreath for a friend as a housewarming present, and it's now hanging on her lovely walls.

The wreath is made using pages from old books, a wreath form, and a whole lot of hot glue... not to mention several hours of time. It's very simple to do, see the DIY instructions.

- Unless you want to invest 12+ hours, use the wreath size recommended. I used a 24" form, and this made my wreath turn out kinda gigantic (luckily it still fits perfectly in its new home).

- Use a few different books for varied page color and text size. I got my books from Goodwill, so I didn't have to feel bad about tearing up some classic literature. I did also mix in one book from the dollar store... if you use a new book, don't skip the painting of the edges, it really helps them stand out once rolled.

- Have a cup of cold water out to dip your fingers in when you burn them on the hot glue. Because it will happen. About every 30 seconds.

- Don't fret about getting your rolling technique perfect, experiment a few times until you get the hang of it. I found it was best to roll my page how I wanted, hot glue it to make it stay as formed, and then attach it to the wreath.

This is a super easy project with stunning results, and perfect to do while sitting on the couch watching a movie. I think a pair of these wreaths would look gorgeous hanging on the doors of a wedding chapel!

Thanks to Lindsay for the DIY instructions!


  1. ohhh...that looks so great and what a wonderful gift
    i just love it

  2. Thanks for sharing, Erin! It's lovely—I want to try one!

  3. I have been waiting very patiently for you to post about this! Looking forward to making one for myself and as a gift!! :)

  4. This is great. I've been wanting to put a hand made wreath on my new apartment door, but couldn't think of something simple. But this is wonderful. I think Ill be investing in some Goodwill books for the holidays :)


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