Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Glimpse

We had a fabulous Christmas, I hope you did too!

The amazing Totoro was made by Three Bad Seeds, of course. I'll post more photos of our favorite gifts in the next few days.


  1. That's quite an amazing Totoro! I have one that is giant in diameter, can hardly wrap my arms around. Came from a comic book store though and has no handcrafted element whatsoever. LOVE that this one is from an ICP vendor and the heart sewn on his bum is a nice touch :)

  2. Oh, that Totoro! That is one of our boys FAVORITE movies!!! And that doll is AMAZING!!!! So good to know!!! Merry Christmas.

  3. I decided to comment on this post since it's Christmas related.
    My husband Ryan gave me several piece of your jewelry for Christmas and I have to say- I don't know what I enjoyed more, the presentation or the actual things themselves! :D
    I've had several compliments on each item, and have of course, directed them to your shop. :)

    P.S. I tried to make Ryan a felted Totoro once, but it grew to gigantic proportions and the structure finally gave way. :( But I think getting him the Totoro from Three Bad Seeds would make up for it ;)

    Reading your blog is something I look forward to every day- It even inspired me to start one (again) myself. Thanks for posting!

  4. Thanks, Sarah! So glad you like the jewelry. ;-D

    That's great that you're blogging! I checked it out, you're a great writer and your posts are very encouraging. Keep it up!


Hello there! So nice to see you.