Thursday, February 17, 2011

Papercutting by Elsita

The Heart Of Papercuts is "a blog entirely dedicated to the magic art of papercutting." Created by the amazing Elsa Mora, this blog features primarily her own stunning work. When I first saw her papercuts, I just stared at my computer screen, mouth agape. Her work is truly magical. I could re-post everything from her blog, but here's a few of my favorites...


When I was a kid, I was really interested in paper art, and loved experimenting with scherenschnitte and quilling. My mother has some lovely scherenschnitte pieces from Switzerland, and I remember just staring at them, trying to figure out how they were cut so perfectly. But then I grew up, and I became interested in other things, mainly design and interiors. When I came across Elsita's blog, my interest was rekindled, and I've been doing some of research on modern papercutting. It's weird though... I love this type of work so much, I'm a little afraid to try it (unusual for me). If I was an artist, this is exactly what I'd want to do.

Cory got me a lovely print from Elsita's shop and a set of papercut patterns for beginners. She sent along the sweetest note, encouraging me to try it and enjoy it. I've been working my way through the patterns, and love the process, it's so peaceful. I'm excited to keep learning, and try my hand at my own designs eventually.

Elsa Mora isn't only a papercut artist, she does lots of cool things. Check out her other blogs:
- general blog
- miniature art books
- personal style
- handmade dolls


  1. I could not lover her work any more than I already do. The miniature books are just amazing.

  2. I thought of you when I saw her books, Christin!


Hello there! So nice to see you.