Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekend Glimpse

This weekend was the big move for Annie + Chris, and so our time was spent cleaning, packing, moving, and painting. The house was built in the 50's, and has a lot of charm. Annie has lots of remodeling projects planned for the future, so it's going to be fun to see it evolve.

 Moved a few things into the living room... isn't that fireplace fabulous!

 The new homeowner, putting a fresh coat of white paint on.

 A battle between a little superhero and a vacuum.

My dad, cleaning the light with an xacto knife (this is after he scrubbed the crystals). He cracks me up.

Not pictured:
- extremely sore muscles and joints
- my little sister's senior graphic design show
- too exhausted to remember anything else

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Love the photo of Dad cleaning the light. He's so intense. He cleanes all the lights at home.


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