Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Annie's Garden Show

I went to a fabulous art show in a fabulous garden tonight, what fun! The show was hosted by Teresa Roche of Art & Light Gallery and featured the work of Annie Koelle. Take a look!

The show was held at the lovely home of a friend and owner of an amazing antique store here in town, Shinola. If the artwork and gardens weren't enough to please, there was homemade peach ice cream on hand. Oh, yes.

Isn't Annie's new work just marvelous? If you see something you like, contact Art & Light for purchasing information.


  1. love the photos!!! thanks a bunch! and actually michael is not the owner of shinola, but devoted employee. . . but boy does he have a great house and garden for a party!

  2. Wow--I just saw some of these same places on one of my Instagramers shots this morning! ha ha ha.

  3. this is like a combination of all good things...good people, good art, a nice local gallery and shinola. very wonderful!


Hello there! So nice to see you.