Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Color Crush: Mint

Mint green is one of those colors that I am surprised I like. In fact, if you had asked me what I thought of it a few years ago, my reply would not have been favorable. But now I can't get enough of it... I love mint in fashion, home decor, furniture... anything minty-hued makes me swoon. I will say I personally prefer it as an accent color rather than the main attraction, though it can be done well in that regard. Here's a slew sweet images starring mint.

Source: tumblr.com via Erin on Pinterest


  1. totally agree!! I would normally say I dislike mint green but it's taken hold of me recently... your selections are fantastic! definitely want that skirt and heels :)

  2. I've been looking for mint green pumps to go with a black and white polka dotted dress I own... would love to know where those are from! Check out "Minted" nail polish from Revlon. Its the perfect mint color! I have it on my toes right now. :)

  3. Sarah Jean, I traced the image back to this source: http://sexypumps.wordpress.com/2008/03/15/rupert-sanderson-rocket-patent-pumps/ but it's unclear if they're for sale, plus the post is 3 years old... good luck with your shoe search!

  4. I looked up the designer; Rupert Sanderson. No mint pumps. :( I don't think I could afford them anyways. That particular shoe (different color) is $605.00! Yikes!


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