Thursday, July 28, 2011

I have pink hair.

I've been drooling over all the fabulous hair styles floating around on Pinterest, and really fell in love with the idea of colorful tips. This is the image that finally pushed me over the edge...

So I took the plunge! 

 (above, straight... below, curly)

Yep, I now have pink-tipped hair, and I love it. The nice thing is since it's just an inch or so on the ends, it's not destroying my hair and I can just get it cut when I'm over it. Though maybe I'll have to try blue tips too, or mint green...

Thanks so much to my awesome friend Janelle for her mad hair-doing skills! I probably wouldn't have attempted this on my own.

Want to try it yourself? Full details and instructions at this post.


Hello there! So nice to see you.