Saturday, July 9, 2011

My Wedding: Photography

In celebration of our five year anniversary, I'm sharing some photos from my wedding. Cory and I were married June 25, 2006 at Shea's Theater in Buffalo, NY.  See the first post here.

Our wedding photos were done by Gary Ventura Photography. 
Here's some of my favorite shots!

I absolutely love our wedding photos, they're exactly what we wanted. We have some beautiful metallic prints of some that I had framed for the bedroom, and a lovely wedding album.

Here's where I have to post a disclaimer about the photos... While we couldn't be happier with the finished product, we did have some issues with the photographer himself after the wedding, when we were trying to get what we had paid for. He was fantastic all before the wedding and the day of, but fell off the map afterwards. In the end, it all worked out, but it was a bit of a hassle which involved us thinking he was dead, me tracking down someone he did free-lance work for and asking them to make him call us back, and him having no excuse for his behavior and trying to appease us with free prints. This experience is apparently nothing compared to the horror stories of other couples he left high and dry. It looks like he went off the deep end about a year after our wedding, there were no negative reviews when we booked him. Hopefully he's getting himself straightened out, it would be a shame for his talent to go to waste. All that to say, I can't recommend his work in good conscience.

In addition to the wonderful photos, our photographer put together a short slideshow a couple weeks after the wedding. It was great to get a preview of the images and to send it around to friends. Take a look!

Well, that's it for the wedding posts.
It was fun to look back at this wonderful day!


Hello there! So nice to see you.