Sunday, August 21, 2011

Weekend Glimpses

Some shots from the past couple weekends...

Trying to replicate some scrumptious Chicken Saltimbocca we had, almost perfect, just needs some finessing on the meat marinade. Also on the plate, roasted asparagus and new potatoes, and PW's burgundy mushrooms.

Flipping through my new copy of Decorate by Holly Becker (soooo good!) and showing off my momentary tattoo from Tattly.

Almond Pear Galette. Oh. my. goodness. Please make this, it's divine. 
I don't typically like almonds or pears, and I loved this.

Major milkglass score at a moving sale! I was tipped off to these beauties my my dad (I love that he remembered I collect milkglass!). 9 hobnail goblets, a set of 7 plates, a set of 2 plates, a large cream and sugar, a covered candy dish, another set of 2 plates, and a little square saucer... all for $40. Oh yeah.

Not pictured:
I have no clue. Seriously, I can't even remember what I did an hour ago. ICP has fried my brain.


Hello there! So nice to see you.