Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Weekend Glimpse

This is actually from the weekend before last... I do much better posting regularly when I'm gone and have to write them in advance. ;-D

We were in Baltimore for a convention for Cory, the wild and wonderful FaerieCon. We'd never been before, so we didn't know what to expect, but we ended up having a fabulous time. It ended up being quite a success; we had boatloads of fun and made lots of new friends.

I got into the spirit and had my face painted for one of the masquerade balls. I also got copper tinsel woven in my hair, which is my new obsession (that's not it pictured above, just some crazy long gold earrings).

Though my attempt at dressing up paled in comparison to the rest of the attendees, who went out all out. While there were certainly plenty of girls wearing corsets who shouldn't have, most of the costumes were lovely and tasteful, like the ice queen above.

Concerts every night, with my favorite band being Dehli 2 Dublin. They were off the hook amazing and so much fun. Unfortunately their recorded tracks don't compare to the live performance, but at least we have the memory.

 After the convention, we visited with Cory's awesome great aunt and uncle, who live in the area. They showed us a fantastic time, and we miss them already!

 Sunset on the north Chesapeake Bay.

Metallic gold loafers and cobblestones, at the amazing Brandywine Museum.

Last but not least, Cory on a gigantic chair. Why not!

Not pictured:
- Wegmans! All other grocery stores fail to compare.
- room service
- miles and miles of driving
- N.C. Wyeth's studio
- relaxing
- butterfly wings
- cats happy to see us home
- a friend's wedding!
- early morning wedding flowers
- long bike ride into the dusk
- Thanksgiving scheming


Hello there! So nice to see you.